Fintech Trends & Insights


NMI’s perspective on payments industry trends, innovative tech solutions, merchant management and operational best practices. 

Changes to pci dss v4 Security + Compliance 2 Big Changes in PCI DSS 4.0 and What They Mean for You By Vicky Duehr Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 4.0 is the most comprehensive update to the card industry’s security standards in years. Consequently, it has left a lot of businesses scrambling to understand and implement the necessary changes to how they secure sensitive card data — including payment companies like independent sales organizations (ISOs), payment facilitators (PayFacs) and software platforms offering payment processing. Version 4.0 was released in March 2022, but has ... Read More
Gen X payment preferences Payment Trends Gen X — The Quietly Techy Consumers the Payments Space Forgot By Peter Galvin Millennials redefined the expectations for what digital payments and omnichannel commerce look like. Gen Zers are the first true digital natives and the trendsetters driving the evolution of tomorrow’s payment solutions. Baby boomers are the cash and card generation, the most cautious with new payments tech and the generation that merchants can’t afford to forget about as we move into a new digital age. But what about Generation X? Gen X encompasses people born between 1965 and 1980. It is ... Read More
International women's day at NMI International Women’s Day: Women at NMI Share What It Means To Accelerate Action By Emily Pearce Every year, International Women’s Day challenges us to reflect on the progress we’ve made in promoting equality and what steps we can take to cultivate a more equitable future. This year’s theme, Accelerate Action, is a call to action to move beyond conversation and take meaningful steps toward gender equality in our personal lives and in the workplace. Progress isn’t passive. Instead, it’s built on the shoulders of deliberate efforts, collective advocacy and real-world change. It means ensu... Read More
NMI consumer survey: What do people want from payments in 2025? Payment Trends NMI Survey: What Consumers Want from Payments in 2025 By Peter Galvin At NMI we’re always keeping a finger on the pulse of how consumer payment habits are evolving. To get a sense of what’s ahead in 2025, we surveyed 1,000 consumers across America to find out how they plan to pay, what challenges they’re facing and what they think of some of the latest payment technologies.  In this article, we’ll look at some of the results and key insights they offer into what consumers want from future payments, including: More self-checkout options A greater focus on... Read More
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