Payment Gateway SDKs + APIs
Whether you’re developing in iOS, Android, Windows or Linux, NMI has you covered. We have easy-to-use SDKs and payment gateway APIs for ecommerce, in-store, mobile and self-service integrations.
Making life easier for developers with simple toolkits
Direct Connect
Terminal device manufacturers can use NMI Direct Connect to pre-equip their products to work with the NMI platform. We’ll provide you with integration examples, as well as our payment gateway integration guide and API documentation. Unlike our SDKs, any development using our APIs will require NMI to undertake an EMV Level 3 processor certification of your device with each processor you want your customers to be able to use. This is by commercial agreement with NMI.
NMI Customer-Present Cloud
Traditionally, powering EMV transactions for your merchants has meant managing driver downloads, SDKs and additional software on their PCs. The NMI Customer-Present Cloud is a browser-based point of sale system that eliminates the need for software installation and driver maintenance. It’s the fastest, most flexible way to get your EMV integration up and running with no operating system dependencies because it runs in a web browser on any OS.
NMI Payment Device SDK for iOS/Android
The Mobile SDKs for iOS and Android devices include a mobile card reader library, simplifying integrations for applications requiring encrypted mobile card readers. An end-to-end encryption library is also included, allowing merchants to send both swiped and keyed-in payment information without ever touching sensitive data.
NMI Payment Device SDK for Windows/Linux
The NMI Payment Device SDK for Windows and Linux lets developers integrate software with numerous payment terminals. The SDK abstracts many of the complexities of interacting with terminals so that you can focus on building great software. For Windows developers, we have created a downloadable payment device emulator so you can be up and running without the need for a payment device. The Windows emulator SDK comprises: Example client source code demonstrating simple integration for your own applications Payment gateway integration guide and API documentation for Windows Example server binaries that work with a Windows virtual payment device
NMI Payment APIM
The NMI Payment API is the simplest integration method for both web-based and non web-based payment applications. Although merchants should have passed a PCI vulnerability scan before using this integration method.
Hosted payment page
Our hosted payment page is a simple, configurable, checkout page that can be called from any website seeking to offer visitors the facility to pay for goods or services by credit or debit card. It is designed for merchants who use shopping carts, have little experience in server-side scripting, or who use shared web servers that do not offer database services.
NMI 3-D Secure Server (3DS2)
The NMI 3-D Secure Server (3DS2) is a hosted 3-D Secure Server (3DS Server) that allows for E-Commerce sites to accept and process Visa Secure, Mastercard Identity Check, Amex SafeKey 2.0 and Discover ProtectBuy 2.0 authentications. The result of these authentications can then be used during the payment authorization process providing conformance with card scheme rules and greater liability shift for the merchant. The NMI 3-D Secure Server (3DS2) makes use of the HTTP protocol using various methods (GET / POST) in order to perform cardholder authentication via the EMV 3DS 2 protocol.
Third-party shopping cart integrations
NMI already integrates with more than 125 third-party shopping carts for merchants who need a full-featured, turnkey shopping cart out of the box.
Collect.js provides access to a popup form which securely captures payment data and generates a token. The token is then used with the NMI Payment API instead of raw credit card or bank account data. The popup form is technically a separate page hosted by the gateway, so no payment information touches the merchant’s site. This allows merchants to minimize their PCI compliance footprint with minimal changes to the customer experience
Collect Checkout is a hosted checkout page that can be integrated into most web-based payment workflows. It lives entirely on the NMI’s servers, ensuring that no payment data ever touches your environment.
Collect Checkout
Webhooks allow merchants to receive near-real-time notifications of events happening on their account. While the Query API lets integrators “pull” information from the gateway, webhooks “push” information to the integrator.
Query API
The Query API allows merchants to download a detailed stream of transaction data that can be used to create in-house reports and analytics.
NMI acquired USAePay in 2021 and there is an ongoing process of integrating the platforms. Existing USAePay partners can continue to provide solutions for merchants using the USAePay SDKs and APIs.